Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hitting the BIG SCORE

With the world economy plunging to the bottom of the pit faster than a blink, my deepest desires have been racing the thought of hitting the big score. The hope of winning the mega lottery, the promotion at work, landing a successful business or even simply getting the dream vacation are ahead of the race. Actually this is kind of natural to anybody but I feel like I have the strongest urge of them all to hitting the big score.

Just like everyone else though here in the US I have been hit so hard with the poor economy. Worried about loosing a good job and not being able to catch up.

I am from a culture of ambitious but conservative people, you know how that is, "before moving a muscle, you have to use all your senses" but 100 times magnified.

Sometimes (not by luck) in order to hit the big score you do exactly the unexpected or even the opposite of the circumstance. I have taken the risks and so far it has been good to me. I am hoping that this pace is taking me on the right direction and I strongly believe that it will even be better when the economy goes back on its track.
posted by Onedec at 7:38 PM | Permalink |