Sunday, August 31, 2008
What is FriendFeed’s Effect on Blogging?

There’s an interesting meme that was picked up by Duncan Riley over at the Inquisitr earlier this evening with regard to the effect of FriendFeed on traditional blogging. It’s an interesting meme and something I’ve been spending a not insignificant amount of time thinking about myself.

I’m in the midst of writing a long series of long posts for my personal blog on journalism with relationship to New Media, and I’m currently working on the subject of micro-blogging, and its role in the new and evolving ecosystem of for-profit online journalism.

That’s why I’ve paid special attention to blog posts like the one Hematopoiesis put out this evening that say stuff like “FriendFeed is killing blogging.” Duncan Riley disagreed that what Hematopoiesis argued was the case. I can see merits to both sides, and if you widen up the lens you look at the question with, you can see definite merit in both sides, plus some very interesting context. (Full Article)
posted by Onedec at 9:03 PM | Permalink |