Saturday, April 11, 2009
Just my Luck
Guess what? Another fender bender accident earlier. Dont judge me yet though. It was not my fault that the other car hit what I was driving earlier in downtown Chicago.

I am not accident prone. The other guy was just not paying attention.

I was driving down in Michigan Avenue (Magnificent Mile) going to Randolf Rd. to pick up some people at Millenium Park. When I got to Randolf Rd the light was red and I had to wait for the green arrow only to turn left. Well the green arrow lit up and I step on the pedal and went off to turn left. I was already getting on Randolf and I notice the other car north bound of Michigan Avenue trying to turn right to Randolf Rd. I noticed that he was coming in too fast, I tried to get away but he was already really close. I noticed that he tried to get away too but I was too late for him as well.

He hit my right front fender and luckily just a little dent. He admitted the whole thing was his fault right away though. I desided to call the police instead of just exchanging information simply because my car was a rental. We settled the whole thing and Kenley will be paying for all damages on my car.

Case dimissed.
posted by Onedec at 11:04 PM | Permalink |


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